Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Update update for 7/23/12

Most of these updates are courtesy of Aphtonites - here are the two I've been working on when I catch a break from real work and going under the dentist's knife.  In addition Adminski has done some excellent work on immersive descriptions and even a little sane community building 8)
* new server configured
* some progress on implementing CheechLizard's much cooler website design

Aphtonites updates:
* New discoverables, including tier 1.5 materials
* A slew of new weapons and armor
* New starships, starship weapons, and tanks (~!)
* vehicle dealers!
* salvaging!
* upgrades to attacks, landings, and various space actions
* NPC factions that build and expand on their own
* Space upgrades of all kinds

* Massive upgrades to the economy, full trade system, fully operational bulk buy/sell options:
* Sniping!