Monday, October 17, 2016

Wayfar 1444 will suspend service as of 11/10/16

The domain will no longer be available starting 10th Nov. If service resumes a notice will be posted on this blog. Previous articles, which may be helpful for hellcore users, will remain available at indefinitely. Thanks to the many players that tried our game, and if a new game is released, or MOO service resumed, you will be notified!

 Love, El Management

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Tutorial: Exporting JSON from Hellcore for use with jquery Datatables

* Step 1: HTML or PHP template page

 You will need jquery and datatables, which can be downloaded to your local folders. These will be included in our PHP pages later. Let's say we want to display all weapons, here is the template (HTML or PHP). You must replace $weapons_db with the actual OBJNUM of your weapons database:

<html> <head><title>Weapons Table</title> <script src="/lib/jquery-3.1.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/lib/datatables.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="/lib/datatables.min.css" rel="sylesheet" type="text/css"></link> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#weapons').DataTable( { "ajax": "$weapons_db" } ); } ); </script> </head> <body> <table class="display" id="weapons"> <thead> <tr> <th>ID</th> <th>Name</th> </tr> </thead> </table> </body> </html> * Step 2: PHP ajax page

 Query.php is a PHP file that queries the MOO server on port 8080. This is already setup by default in hellcore, but you need some modifications, firstly to $json_utils:_www
$json_utils:"_www _html"       this none this
       wargs = $su:explode(args[1], "/");
       if (length(wargs) > 1)
         item = toobj(wargs[2]);
         if (gamevalid(item))
           data = item:_json();
           return {data};
     except e (ANY)
       return pass(@args);
   return pass(@args);
This changes the $json_utils:_www verb to accept an additional objects. Now let's make query.php: You must replace $json_utils in the code above with the actual object number of your JSON utils object. The code above means that we call json_utils, and we pass it an additional argument in the form of:$json_utils/desired_objectnumber

 * Step 3:
Now - our desired_objectnumber must have _json verb, and it must return formatted json (not HTML). Note that the data is structed very specifically to comply with jquery datatables. Example:
w = $ou:fertile_branches($weapon);
data = [];
data = ["data" -> {}];
for x in (w)
  id = tostr(x)[2..$];
  d = data["data"];
  d = setadd(d, {id, x:name()});
  data["data"] = d;
return $json_utils:encode(data);

* Step 4: Getting JSON from our MOO server$weapons
Will now return JSON output, something like this (partial): {"data":[["13477","generic melee weapon"],["14111","shock baton"], This has hopefully given you some hints for exporting this data. Modifying it, in MOO, on the fly, is also possible, with callbacks in datatables, but is more advanced. If you get the basics working, you'll see something like an auto paginating page like this:

*Step 5: Security
Use iptables to ONLY allow requests to query.php, and from your own domain. Google this!
Questions? Comments?
Post them below!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Transition to Amazon managed DNS

Wayfar has originally run its own DNS servers.  I shifted this to Amazon, since I am moving the server and no longer want to run DNS services on the box itself.

First step - the easy part:

Import your zone file into Route 53 Amazon.  It costs about a dollar a month.

Hard part: you have a second server that you'd like to modify and upgrade before fully moving to it as your primary server.

Step 1:

Get these scripts installed and configure not just the DNS ( for instance), but also a user (updateip or dyndns) with the appropriate permissions.  Run the updateip script to make sure that your changes are reflected in the amazon dashboard.

Once you've confirmed that the changes are actually taking effect, use crontab to add this to your server and keep amazon's DNS service updated with your actual IP by calling crontab -e:

*/30 * * * * /home/wayfar/www/ YOURHOSTEDZONEHERE your-iam-user

Thursday, February 11, 2016

2/11/16 Update - New map draw and room movement system

This is a 21x21 (bigmap preference) map using a new perlin based system for room icons and biomes.  It draws 4 times as fast as the old maps and looks a little cooler.  Icons subject to change!  In addition, the map drawing code was refactored to omit drawing ansi characters for blind users, or users with ANSI off, eliminating the potential for a map draw to time out.

We also moved to a single room movement system (thanks to a lot of help from the hellmoo admins), meaning we should be able to support much larger universes.  There is still a fair amount to do and we'll post updates as some of the new/overhauled features are completed!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Adding 2d Perlin Noise to Hellcore/LambdaMOO

Add to extensions.c:
  static int p[512];
  static int permutation[] = { 151,160,137,91,90,15,
  /* Function declarations */
  double fade(double t);
  double lerp(double t, double a, double b);
  double grad(int hash, double x, double y, double z);
  void init_noise();
  double pnoise(double x, double y, double z);
  void init_noise()
  int i;
  for(i = 0; i < 256 ; i++)
  p[256+i] = p[i] = permutation[i];
  double pnoise(double x, double y, double z)
  int X = (int)floor(x) & 255, /* FIND UNIT CUBE THAT */
  Y = (int)floor(y) & 255, /* CONTAINS POINT. */
  Z = (int)floor(z) & 255;
  x -= floor(x); /* FIND RELATIVE X,Y,Z */
  y -= floor(y); /* OF POINT IN CUBE. */
  z -= floor(z);
  double u = fade(x), /* COMPUTE FADE CURVES */
  v = fade(y), /* FOR EACH OF X,Y,Z. */
  w = fade(z);
  int A = p[X]+Y,
  AA = p[A]+Z,
  AB = p[A+1]+Z, /* HASH COORDINATES OF */
  B = p[X+1]+Y,
  BA = p[B]+Z,
  BB = p[B+1]+Z; /* THE 8 CUBE CORNERS, */
  return lerp(w,lerp(v,lerp(u, grad(p[AA ], x, y, z), /* AND ADD */
  grad(p[BA ], x-1, y, z)), /* BLENDED */
  lerp(u, grad(p[AB ], x, y-1, z), /* RESULTS */
  grad(p[BB ], x-1, y-1, z))), /* FROM 8 */
  lerp(v, lerp(u, grad(p[AA+1], x, y, z-1 ),/* CORNERS */
  grad(p[BA+1], x-1, y, z-1)), /* OF CUBE */
  lerp(u, grad(p[AB+1], x, y-1, z-1),
  grad(p[BB+1], x-1, y-1, z-1))));
  double fade(double t){ return t * t * t * (t * (t * 6 - 15) + 10); }
  double lerp(double t, double a, double b){ return a + t * (b - a); }
  double grad(int hash, double x, double y, double z)
  int h = hash & 15; /* CONVERT LO 4 BITS OF HASH CODE */
  double u = h < 8 ? x : y, /* INTO 12 GRADIENT DIRECTIONS. */
  v = h < 4 ? y : h==12||h==14 ? x : z;
  return ((h&1) == 0 ? u : -u) + ((h&2) == 0 ? v : -v);
  int noise2d(int x, int y, double scalex, double scaley, int size) {
  double xf = (double)x;
  double yf = (double)y;
  double sizef = (double)size;
  double noiseval = pnoise(xf/(sizef * scalex), yf/(sizef * scaley), 0.5);
  noiseval = sizef * ((noiseval + 1.0)/2.0);
  return (int)noiseval;
  int fbm2d(int x, int y, double scalex, double scaley, int size, int octaves)
  double xf = (double)x;
  double yf = (double)y;
  double sizef = (double)size;
  double noiseval = 0.0;
  int i;
  for(i = 1; i <= octaves; i++) {
  double n = pnoise(i * xf/(sizef * scalex), i * yf/(sizef * scaley), 0.5);
  n = sizef * ((n/2.0) + 0.5);
  noiseval = noiseval + n / (double)i;
  return (int)noiseval;
  static package bf_perlin_2d(Var arglist, Byte next, void *vdata, Objid progr)
  Var r;
  int x = (int)arglist.v.list[1].v.num;
  int y = (int)arglist.v.list[2].v.num;
  double alpha = *arglist.v.list[3].v.fnum;
  double beta = *arglist.v.list[4].v.fnum;
  int n = (int)arglist.v.list[5].v.num;
  int octaves = (int)arglist.v.list[6].v.num;
  r.v.num = (int)fbm2d(x, y, alpha, beta, n, octaves);
  r.type = TYPE_INT;
  return make_var_pack(r);

Add to void register_extensions() in extensions.c:
  register_function("perlin_2d", 6, 6, bf_perlin_2d, TYPE_INT,

How to use: you have a list of biomes or room types. You get a size from this and then call this function:
biomes = {"flatland","forest","mountain"};
size = length(biomes); px = 10; py = 33; alpha = 1.0; beta = 1.5; octaves = 1; index = perlin_2d(px, py, alpha, beta, size, octaves);

 alpha, and beta are floats that affect the jagged/smoothness of the generated area.  octaves runs the noise function multiple times - WARNING - if you have a set number, for instance when selecting a list of biomes, this will cause values to fall outside the range of the list you've created.  For instance using multiple octaves with the list of 3 biomes above would result in many values at x, y co-ordinates of 4-8.  If you're using the noise to set altitude, you may wish to use the octave setting.

If you want to generate an entire map you would call this function repeatedly over the size of your map. Or, more usefully, you call it when a specific co-ordinate is needed. As long as the input to perlin_2d is the same, the index return will always be the same.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Wayfar 1444 2016 Status & Roadmap

Hawgpadre here with some thoughts and roadmap for the coming year.

Goals for 2016:

* bio engineering - the ability to harvest DNA and spines from wildlife to create your own tameable creatures
* overhaul of planet generation systems and increase from 4 solar systems to 20
* freak background - inspired by firefly, you have weird psychic powers and must remove them before law enforcement puts you into a containment facility
* there will be a galaxy and player reset, announced well in advance
* more options during character generation, including the ability to start with unique to background items and more paths to explore when creating a character
* starship improvements, including untamed solar systems for adventuring in
* general AI improvements and fixes
* more orbital and solar mechanics - from new solar objects for players to craft, to new options for boarding enemy ships or disabling them
* Terraforming!  A long planned feature that needs some of the infrastructure behind the planet generation updates.  This is no longer a goal for Wayfar.

Possibly but Unlikely Goals:
* sector defense/ alien invasions
* mushclient plugin for an MMO type gameplay experience