- Assorted buffs to harvesting tools.
- Adjustments to civilian collection behavior and sanity checks, etc.
- Chop shops got buffed and their reference to acceptable chopping targets is now on a $worldgen property list and not a hard-coded one. You can now chop armor, weapons and gadgets for their constituent goodies (if they have any).
- Foods got restructured and a few new food items were added.
- Various pirate loot containers got buffed and a few new ones added, the newer armor/weapons are now included in the drop lists.
- Small escort vehicles (The 8T-RL escort vehicle) now come with a heavy machine gun mounted by default, it's not as powerful as the autocannon equivilent using the same ammunition but it'll do in a pinch.
- The 8T-RL escort vehicle now has a child vehicle the 8T-BL fast attack vehicle which is slightly slower but has greater integrity and fuel capacity.
- A bunch of minor changes to properties and descriptions for balance purposes and the removal of typos, etc.
On top of all that, I've recently been mucking around with the Unity3D engine, favoring the 2D side. I'm just getting to grips with all the important classes and getting used to the C# language (MOOcode handles public/private status and classes in another fashion) but I'm making fairly decent progress with a little 2D shooter platformer thing as a testbed.