Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Updates 5/15/13

- New citizen type added to sector centers (Maintenance  technician, this and the engineer citizen type will repair buildings and vehicles in the nearby future)
- Crew commands! You can now hire up to three civilians (this may be increased in future by skills or reroll bonuses) and use 'crewhire' and 'crewfire' to manage which civilians you have in your crew. You can give orders to your crew such as converging on your position, holding ground/guarding, looting corpses and attacking. They also respond to standard civilian commands such as 'guard' and 'follow'.
- Cargo droids now have three more commands: 'pickup', 'dump' and 'inventory'. The function of these is fairly straightforward.
- Biome web interface has been neatened up, resource spawn rates are now quoted as verbal figures rather than numerical, all current weather types are now described.
- Creature web interfaces have been neatened with blank lists being replaced by 'does not drop any items' or 'does not spawn with equipment' and drop lists have been added with links to the objects.
- Charge rods have been buffed again.
- Requirements on some items have been fixed or modified.
- Some items and creatures have been given descriptions.
- Many locked treasure containers have now been given descriptions.
- Some new helpfile entries have been made.

So far, not bad considering I only got awakened from my text slumber three days ago.