Monday, May 7, 2012

Updates 5/7/12

* CONCEAL added for all children of $thing, allowing players to hide their buildings and directly controlled items.
* warp gate modules
* new weapons and items
* asteroid mining is now live
* new biomes, creatures, hackables, and modules
* new server provisioned at nfoservers
* NPC traders fully implemented at last:

*  $actions.loot will now behave appropriately if an item to be looted is physically on the corpse (instead of spawning a  new copy)
*  added generic content dropping corpse(#27045)
      - can be used for any creature's .corpse_type and will attempt to drop a creature's contents by rolling 100 vs the creature's non zero :inventory_drop_chance()
*  trader:
*  added $ (args[2] = {item, source}).  It sanity checks item location and available credits.
*  made tweaks to $product:die and $thing:die for SAFETY
*  added $worldgen:random_human_name - pass it a gender as an optional first argument