Monday, November 14, 2011

Changelog for 11/14/11

  • due to a week in Vegas and then a busy week at home, I wasn't able to update the changelog for the last two weeks. How'd I do at poker? Very well.
  • integrated mysql with the moomail - this still has work to be done on it. But the upshot is that all the mail is stored in a mysql database instead of long lists in the moo db.
  • skills! You can view the list on the Wayfar Skill guide page.
  • new combat! The dice pool style of combat is finally implemented. Here's a little snapshot:

  • npc combat re-implemented with chance based attacks, allowing for rare attacks to be busted out by cool guys/bosses
  • Scavenger objectives appear randomly across planets, offering players who can find them a multiple choice decision: