Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Updates 7/19/11


light vehicle crafting tool
[[ light vehicle crafting tool ]]
Current project: 12T-LL transport truck
quad wheels x1 (30.0%)
single driver cockpit x1 (40.0%)
small cargo bay x1 (30.0%)
Total complexity for this project: 25.0
Project is incomplete, add more components.

basic crafting tool
[[ basic crafting tool ]]
Current project: colonial machete
copper x2 (80.0%)
generic wood x1 (20.0%)
Total complexity for this project: 3.0
Project is incomplete, add more components.

Still a few issues to sort out and a lot of UI work to do, but crafting is taking into account material quality, making a crafting roll, and producing items. Crafting is done via hand held tools or (future) constructed factories.

* added creature(s): running mulcher

* added the first special weapon besides harvesters: the medical transfer unit
* added three new weapons: webbed cutter (melee), palm blaster (ranged), sonic projector (ranged scattergun)